By: Ndaa Hassan
J U D G I N G … J U D G I N G … know exactly what I’m talking about.
A.K.A the handful of girls you know
of who have been misjudged in the
Today, I’m going to talk to you about community because of the way they
judging. What? You’re a fashion act, the way they dress, or due to
columnist. What does this have circumstances in their life.
anything to do with fashion?
Leaving aside how they act because
Just keep reading and you’ll soon we’ve all been immature at one point
in our lives and if lucky enough,
find out.
were guided back to the right track
Judging one another goes against without making us feel like complete
everything Islam teaches us. Right? failures.
Yes, I think that’s something we can
all agree on. For the longest time Instead, I’m going to talk about my
ever, I’ve been advised to always give field of expertise, fashion and the
the person in question 70 excuses judgments that others bestow on
before jumping to conclusions. their fellow community members
as a result of the way that particular
Sounds pretty easy, right?
person chooses to dress.
Before I start a controversial topic
We all know what we should do but that might produce friction from
we don’t really do it. If you’re a girl all the Google/social media sheikhs,
reading this article, you probably let’s get something straight. None