may become necessary in certain cases. There
are strict rules about divorce to protect the
interests and rights of the parties involved:
the husband, wife and children. Some of them
have been mentioned above. Divorce might be
forbidden in the case where it would not solve
the problem and cause undue harm to one of
the two marriage partners, without achieving
a needed benefit.
A man is more capable - at least theoretically - of
controlling his flitting emotions and personal
reactions when upset about the smaller issues
in life, especially in terms of disputes with his
wife. Divorce should never be a quick reaction
for some suffering, misunderstandings, or
differences of viewpoints, but only as a last
resort and final solution when life becomes
dangerously problematic and intolerable,
wherein both spouse are afraid that they will
Islamic jurisprudence obligates that in order not be able to abide by the limits set by Allah
to avoid divorce, solutions should be sought and His Prophet about respectable behavior
when critical disputes and differences occur with one another.
between husband and wife; Allah,