Men have the right to divorce. If a man
dislikes keeping his marriage for any reason,
he divorces his wife and compensates her
financially by paying her what is termed
mut'a payment. This is in addition to the
regular financial sustenance for her living, in
case she has the custody of their children.
Divorce becomes in effect once the husband
utters or writes down any of the legal
formulae of divorce such as: ‘I divorce you’
or ‘you are divorced’…etc. The husband
can do these either by himself or through a
category, the husband can't remarry his
divorcée till all the legal procedures are done,
all over again, and the husband pays new
dowry for her.
Divorce can happen three times in the
couple's lifetime. The third divorce falls in the
third category, because they cannot go back
to one another, till after the wife ‘happens’
to marry someone else, then ‘happens’ to
get divorced by him. In this case, she can
go back to her first husband. Such a tough
rule was made as a punishment and a way
of preventing people from misusing this
tolerant ruling of permitting divorce. The
word ‘happens’ is parenthesized because the
woman's new marriage and divorce should
come naturally without planning, as many
people might do to legalize her return to the
first husband!
In case it is the woman's desire to end the
marriage, the situation becomes different.
Her reasons might be that s