Julie Ryan 0421 574 093 OWNER / EDITOR / PUBLISHER info @ hdinews . com . au PO Box 16 WINDSOR NSW 2756
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production @ hdinews . com . au
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Hawkesbury City celebrates
Hawkesbury City Council has congratulated the seven winners of the 2025 Australia Day Awards at a ceremony at the Council ’ s chambers . The winners are :
• Citizen of the Year Award - Sarah Cassim
• Young Citizen of the Year Award - Andrew Scarsbrook
• Community Organisation of the Year Award - The Jeremiah Project
• Sports Person of the Year Award - Indy Aquilina
• Local Hero Award x 2 - Warren Doyle and Chris Underwood
• Environmental Award - Chris Underwood
• Arts and Culture Award - T he Richmond Players Hawkesbury City Mayor Les
Sheather said the award winners were all terrific examples of the best of our community .
“ We are so pleased to be recognising the important and ongoing impact the award winners are delivering in our community . Whether it ’ s by inspiring others , helping others or by sharing knowledge . It is a recognition of being a person or group of people that commits time and skill to the improvement and wellbeing of our community ,” Mayor Sheather said .
“ This is an opportunity to thank them for what they do , and to acknowledge and encourage them to keep going .”
Citizen of the Year – Sarah Cassim This award is given to a person who has contributed significantly to the Hawkesbury . As a local business consultant and founder of Hawkesbury Women in Business , Sarah Cassim not only helps business people to be more successful , but she fosters meaningful connections , leadership and professional and personal growth among local women in business .
Hawkesbury Women in Business group now has over 1000 members , having started with just a handful of members . Sarah ’ s award nominee said she would not be in business today without Sarah ’ s support .
But her impact on the community goes far beyond the local economy . Sarah is also deeply committed to a number of causes to which she provides her support and time , to create longterm , sustainable change .
These include mental health , through the Hope4U foundation , and the prevention of suicide and domestic violence . As we know , issues such as this can impact both our personal and professional lives , so Sarah ’ s work has made a profound impact on countless lives , offering hope , guidance , and support to those in the most vulnerable situations .
She fosters a network where women can find solidarity , strength , and empowerment . Sarah ’ s commitment to the well-being of her community has
left an indelible mark , making her a true leader and a beacon of hope for those in need .
Young Citizen of the Year Award - Andrew Scarsbrook
This award is given to a person , 25 and under , who has contributed significantly to the Hawkesbury and has demonstrated selflessness , commitment , and involvement in activities in the Hawkesbury .
Andrew is passionate about agriculture and has developed tremendous expertise in cattle judging . He was last year named the 2024 Hawkesbury Rural Ambassador at the Hawkesbury Show , and he has also been awarded for his work as a champion senior cattle judge and grand champion judge . Through his work and passion for agriculture , Andrew is sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with other young leaders in agriculture . He promotes the benefits of rural industries , as well as the importance of agriculture and food production .
Community Organisation of the Year - The Jeremiah Project
The Jeremiah Project feeds homeless and vulnerable people in the Hawkesbury , serving Saturdays and Sundays from its community kitchen . They also provide food at Richmond Oval and help the homeless with camping equipment , personal hygiene , food and distributing over 100 hampers to the needy in the
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4 ISSUE 177 // FEBRUARY 2025 HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR ! theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT