HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT IND 177 February 2025 | Page 19


It has never been harder or more expensive for Macquarie residents to

The findings of the 2025 Cleanbill Blue Report are damning - under the Albanese Labor Government , bulk billing is going backwards as out-ofpocket healthcare costs are going up across Hawkesbury , Penrith and Blue Mountains .
Bulk billing has collapsed , despite all of Labor ’ s disingenuous rhetoric . According to the findings , the rate of clinics that will bulk bill new adult patients without a concession card in in NSW has decreased by 2.7 % in the past year alone to 34.5 %.
At the same time , out-ofpocket costs for patients in NSW who cannot get access to bulk billing have risen by more than 4 % in just one year to $ 44.05 on average in 2025 .
This adds further stress to household budgets in the middle of the cost-of-living crisis , forcing people to make the difficult choice between going to see a doctor or paying the bills . Concerningly , more than 1.5 million Australians avoided seeing a GP in 2023-24 due to cost concerns – a shocking 25 % increase in just one year .
Shadow Minister for Health , Senator Anne Ruston said that it has literally never been harder or more expensive to see a doctor than under the Albanese Government , and this is hitting the people of NSW at a time when they can least afford it . “ It is unacceptable that more and more Australians are being forced to avoid essential healthcare because they just cannot afford it under Labor . This poses a serious risk for the health of all Australians and for our hospital systems , which we know

see a doctor

JOINT RELEASE : Senator The Hon Anne Ruston Shadow Minister for Health & Aged Care and Mike Creed Candidate for Macquarie
are already overrun ,” Senator Ruston said . “ Instead of focusing on the record high healthcare costs that they have created , Labor is lying to Australians with a third attempt at their disgraced Mediscare campaign . The reality is that the Coalition increased Medicare funding every single year in government and oversaw record high bulk billing rates . Under Labor , Medicare has only been weakened .”
Liberal candidate for Macquarie , Mike Creed said Macquarie has been forgotten by the Labor Government , and another three years of the Albanese Government would be a disaster .
“ It has never been harder for locals to find a bulk billing doctor ,” said Mr Creed .
“ Liberal Governments increased Medicare funding every single year and delivered record bulk billing rates , while the Albanese Labor has overseen a bulk billing collapse .”
The Coalition already announced that we will invest in women ’ s health , including specialist cancer nurses to support Australians with ovarian cancer ; we will double the number of Medicare mental health sessions ; and we have committed $ 400 million to grow a strong pipeline of home-trained GPs , which we know is critical to addressing Labor ’ s primary care crisis .
This investment will provide financial incentives for junior doctors to choose to train as a GP in the community . As the Cleanbill report makes clear , ensuring the availability of local doctors right now is a necessity .
We are focused on ensuring that the Macquarie community has timely and affordable access to healthcare .


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News & Insights Our First After Five Event Back for 2025 !
Join us at Richmond Records on Wednesday 5th February to kick start 2025 for our first networking event of the year with fellow local business members .
We welcome all business owners whether you are a member or not . Come along and meet local minded business members and leaders whilst enjoying a beverage and a bite to eat in a relaxed atmosphere .
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5th February 2025 Business After 5 Meeting
@ Richmond Records 5:30pm - 7:00pm 161 Windsor Road Richmond
20th February 2025 Business Breakfast Meeting
@ Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley with Bendigo Bank presenting 7.00am – 8.30am
5th March 2025 Business After 5 Meeting
@ Richmond Club 5:30pm - 7:00pm 6 East Market Street Richmond
20th March 2025 Business Breakfast Meeting
@ Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley with Business NSW presenting 7.00am – 8.30am
Our events are a great way to learn what ’ s happening locally and to get ideas and insights to improve your business .
Of course , it ’ s also about networking and meeting others . Everyone is welcome to attend any of our events .
For more information email admin @ hawkesburychamber . com . au call 0400 493 749 or visit our website .
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL . Visit our website for more event information and to book your seat .
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THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR ! ISSUE 177 // FEBRUARY 2025 19