HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT IND 177 February 2025 | Page 11


Woods family delivered the goods

by Greg Martin
The Woods could certainly see the forest for the trees during the family ’ s 39- year tenure at North Richmond Post Office .
Over the years since taking over the business in March 1976 , the family could certainly focus on the big picture – providing expert and friendly service to three generations of satisfied customers .
Patriarch , Geoff Woods was the pathfinder in the business and when he retired in 2004 , his son , Robert , and his wife , Marianne , smoothly stepped in to continue the Woods ’ doctrine of ensuring every customer left the premises contented .
Geoff , now a sprightly 82-year-old , and his former wife , Rowena , bought into the business after noticing a for-sale sign on the front of the premises .
“ We were on our way back home after an aborted trip to the Mid-North Coast where we were very interested in buying a caravan park ,” Geoff explained .
“ The asking price was a bit beyond our means but not so the price of the post office .
“ We made an offer which was readily accepted , and just a week later we took over the business .”
Geoff spent the majority of his previous working life in local government , kicking off as an administrative clerk at his local Grenfell Municipal Council .
Over the ensuing years , Geoff progressed to acting town clerk , a possie he held until relocating in 1970 to become Kiama Council ’ s accountant .
“ I changed my career three years later , managing a supermarket and delicatessen before that fateful trip up north steered my career into a different direction ,” Geoff said .
Geoff was at the helm of North Richmond PO before handing over the reins to Peter and Marianne and their five children who , along with their grandfather , performed part-time work at the PO for many years .
Peter and Marianne were sad to have sold the post office business - and so too were their myriad of customers ,
“ This is a great community and over weeks after customers found out we were retiring , we were told many times that we had become an integral part of their lives and our presence would be sorely missed ,” Marianne said .
Your writer asked did the trio experience a change in post office operations over the decades .
“ When we kicked off , for many years , 80 per cent of our business centred on letters but over the past couple of decades , handling letters dropped right
With arms enveloped , Peter , Marianne and Geoff Woods intend to lead fulfilling lives after the family ’ s nearly five decade-long tenure ended at North Richmond Post Office . Photo : Kathryn Johnston .
off and now 65 per cent of the business is accepting and delivering parcels ,” Peter said .
“ Last year we would have processed 65,000 parcels !”
I asked what the future held for them , and Geoff had me in stitches when he quipped “ just staying alive ” - don ’ t worry , he ’ s a healthy octogenarian !
Peter and Marianne have plans afoot once Peter has had an operation to tend to a hernia .
“ After that I hopefully will be able to get back into golf and get my handicap back to the seven I had when I was a member of Richmond club many years ago ,” Peter explained .
“ We ’ re also searching for a motorhome and will be heading off on a grand tour of our wonderful country – taking along for the ride our three Chihuahuas , Roger , Eddy and Dudley ,” Marianna added .
THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR ! ISSUE 177 // FEBRUARY 2025 11