HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT IND 172 September 2024 | Page 23


So you have a

slipped disc and back pain – what does this mean ?

with Andreas Klein
Your intervertebral discs live between every pair of vertebrae in your back . Discs are made of fibrocartilage and form joints known as symphyses between vertebrae . Discs are 0.7- 1.0 cm high and about 4cm in diameter ( Raj 2008 ).
They look a little like the old jamfilled doughnuts our grandmothers made . Discs have a hard outer section , made of several layers of fibrous-connective-tissue called the anulus fibrosus , and a ‘ gelatinous ’ interior called the nucleus pulposus . At the top and bottom of each disc are endplates . These are transition tissues between the material of the disc and the bone of the vertebrae ( Roberts 2006 , Raj 2008 ).
Discs have several important functions . They :
1 . allow movement of vertebrae relative to each other allowing us to bend and twist
2 . act as shock absorbers for the vertebral column
3 . act as ligaments that tie the vertebra above and below the disc together
4 . act as spacers between vertebra to allow appropriate nerve-exit from the spine ( Dawson 2019 )
As we age discs tissues may begin to deteriorate and weaken showing progressive signs of disc disease . This weakening may eventually lead to herniation of one ( or more ) discs , which we colloquially call a slipped disc .
Disc herniation often occurs gradually as discs slowly degenerate through repeated insult . Here disc-herniation progresses through several stages . However , a single severe traumatic event , such as a fall or awkward heavy lift can also lead to complete disc extrusion and or sequestration very quickly . Let ’ s take a look at the stages : 1 . disc protrusion 2 . disc prolapse 3 . disc extrusion 4 . disc sequestration The first two stages are known as incomplete herniations , the third and fourth stages are types of complete herniation . If a herniated disc contacts a nerve , this may result in significant nerve compression ( occlusion ) and pain in the lower back and down the nerve course . Compression may also lead to radiculopathy , i . e . pathological changes in
nerve function resulting in one of several neurological deficits including :
1 . sensory changes such as tingling , altered sensation or numbness ,
2 . motor changes such as muscle weakness or reflex loss .
Any or all of these symptoms , often referred to sciatica , may be experienced by a patient with a slipped disc .
To determine if you have a slipped disc plain x-rays are low cost and may be helpful , but computed axial tomography ( CAT ) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) scans provide more detail .
An MRI involves no radiation exposure and in the final analysis is likely the best scan for enabling the physician to see the soft spinal tissues unseen in a conventional x-ray .

SUFFERING constant BACK PAIN ? Want to ENJOY LIFE again ?

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Andreas Klein Nutritionist & Remedial Therapist
BSc , Adv Dip Nut Med , DRM


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THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 172 // SEPTEMBER 2024 23