Hawkesbury Independent IND 137 October 2021 | Page 14

And now for a little me time

Colour zone


Young House Love

by Lorna Gordon
Has being stuck at home make you want to spruce up your space ? Many of us have taken on DIY projects over lockdown , but if you want to take your home decorating to a new level you should check out Young House Love .
Young House Love started off as a blog , many years ago , and in 2016 it developed into a podcast .
John and Sherry Petersik are the ultimate DIY ’ ers . They have renovated seven different houses , so they know what they are talking about when it comes to home projects .
The podcast looks at topics like minimalism , colour choices , downsizing , fake plants , doing renovations room by room and the big reno TV shows . They also talk about saving money , trying a shopping ban and how they paid off their mortgage quickly ( episode # 64 if you are interested ).
I think the appeal of this podcast is that it ’ s backed up by a blog and social media so you can get all the inspirational images you need on top of hints and tips from the podcast to follow through on them .
If you are interested in checking out the podcast it ’ s available at the usual suspects , Spotify , iTunes , TuneIn Radio and on their website which is also home to their blog , a before and after page ( who doesn ’ t love these ?) and DIY and decorating tips . You can find the website at www . younghouselove . com .
John and Sherry Petersik are the ultimate DIY ’ ers .

Bars , not bottles ... rethinking soap

by Lorna Gordon
one that drains excess moisture away from
the bar , so it doesn ’ t turn soft underneath .
For years all we had available were bars of soap . Soap to wash our clothes , soap to wash our bodies and hair , soap to use for shaving . Then along came the advent of liquid soap in bottles and the good old-fashioned bar of soap became just that , old fashioned .
In recent years bars of soap have been making a comeback . Beautiful handmade bars of artisan soaps , new kinds of shampoo in a bar and a return to soap for washing yourself . You can even get solid bars of moisturisers now , so even more products are making the move away from bottles .
When you consider the number of bottles in a typical bathroom you can understand why this is a great place to make a difference in your household . By switching to bars instead of bottles you can make a huge reduction in the amount of plastic your home is consuming , simply by using a solid bar of soap .
To make the most of your soap , put it in soap dish between uses , make sure it ’ s
Plastic packaging is only one reason to switch to bars of soap . Here are a few others to consider :
The amount of soap used when using bars or liquid soap differs greatly , you use six times the amount of liquid soap than what you would use with a bar of soap to wash your hands !
There are less chemicals used in bar soaps than liquid soaps ( as well as liquid soaps requiring water in them ), typically only four are used in bar soaps , but liquids may have a long list .
More bar soaps can be transported in one truck than liquid soap as their shape and packaging makes them easier to pack . This means less traffic pollution .
Not only are bars of soap better for the environment , but they are also a great way to support small business too . They make fabulous presents ( a sneaky way to get your friends and family to use bars of soap ) and if you are a crafty person , you could even have a go at making your own soap - perfect holiday stocking stuffers .
Bars of soap are making a comeback . Image : ( Aurelia Dubois – unsplash . com )
14 ISSUE 137 // OCTOBER 2021 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT