Hawkesbury Independent IND 135 August 2021 | Page 20



Social media predicts

The Hawkesbury City Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit association which represents the Hawkesbury ’ s Business & Industrial Communities . We aim to provide opportunities for our local business owners to meet and share their ideas in a friendly atmosphere of like minded people . We also seek to represent to local , state and federal governments the issues affecting businesses in the Hawkesbury .
Local Chamber Members Finalists for Prestigious Business Awards
Finalists for the Western Sydney Awards for Business Excellence ( WSABE ) have been announced , and 2 Hawkesbury Chamber of Commerce members are included .
Blueberry Hills on Comleroy is a finalist in the category of World Excellence in Small Business ( 5 to 20 employees ), and St John of God ( Hawkesbury District Health Service ) is a finalist in the WSABE Excellence in Marketing category .
Good Luck to our Hawkesbury entrants ! Government support available for Businesses affected by Covid-19 lockdown
The NSW Government has released details of the support available to small and medium size businesses that have been affected by the current lockdown . The support packages vary from one-off financial grants to weekly payments and other forms of relief . These include COVID-19 Micro Business Grants and Business Grants , Support with Tenancy , Job Saver payments , Payroll tax support and special Support for accommodation providers .
If you have a business that has been affected by the lockdown , it is worth checking out these support packages . It could be worth thousands of dollars .
Go to Service NSW for more information . Hawkesbury Community Wealth Building initiative continues
The Chamber of Commerce has been pursuing the idea of building our local economy through an initiative called Community Wealth Building . Chamber Executive Committee member and Business Welfare Officer Rob McMaster attended training course on the topic and is committed to the potential benefits of the program . So why introduce “ Community Wealth Building ” now ?
· The region has been impacted by drought , fires , floods and COVID-19 .
· The way we live and do business needs to change
· It ’ s time to build on the theme and strategy of “ supporting local .”
· Federal politicians , business groups , and the business ombudsman are all supporting and encouraging “ Buy Local ”.
· This is a people-centred approach to local economic development , placing greater control into the hands of local people and redirecting wealth back into the local economy and stopping the leakage of wealth .
· The timing is right to bring change
Your local business chamber sees this as an opportunity to provide a higher level of service and opportunity for its members and the well-being of the local community .
Regular Events cancelled due to Covid-19 lockdown .

Many of our regular monthly events in July and August including the breakfast meeting on the third Thursday of each month , and an “ After 5 ” on the first Wednesday of each month , have been cancelled . We will keep everyone updated as soon as the Covid-19 restrictions allow . a blowout

with Suzanne Lawrence , President Riverstone , Schofields & Districts Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc .
You only need to read the social media pages for the communities of Riverstone , Schofields and Marsden Park to judge the real impacts of the population growth in the North West of Sydney . The regular posts complaining about the traffic are now being equalled by community outcry from the lack of services .
“ Can anyone recommend a local doctor , my doctor recently closed and the other services are at capacity ?” or “ we desperately need childcare , all the local services have a wait list over six month long ,” or , even more alarming , “ I cannot feed my children - where can I go to get support ?”
The Premier Ms Berejiklian reports record spending in the North West , whilst Minister Stokes and Minister Constance celebrate their achievements in Western Sydney , but what is really happening here in the North West Growth Area ?
There seems to be a disconnect between the reported spending in Western Sydney and the reality of what is being delivered in the North West Growth Area .
Funding for Bandon Road , which was to be delivered when 25 per cent of the growth area housing approvals were completed has now been delayed again to 2031 . The New South Wales government has proposed expenditure of tens of billions of dollars in infrastructure across Greater Western Sydney .
However , the North West Growth Area with more than 100,000 homes expected to be built here in the next five years gets none . Experts warn a lag in the delivery of infrastructure means suburbs will certainly have no chance of becoming successful communities .
Riverstone is drowning in traffic and bursting at the seams . It desperately needs investment , and ironically these symptoms are now holding back the Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan and the surrounding suburbs .
Where is the confusion ? How did we become a community bursting at its seams ? And how do the fastest growing suburbs in NSW fail to attract funding ?
Riverstone has already been planned to address its problems and also deliver the solutions to many of the issues facing Blacktown City , The North West Growth area and the Hawkesbury region .
Investment in the North West Road Strategy is critical to enable the continued delivery of the communities in the region . The voices of the residents of the North West Growth area are falling on deaf ears but as they multiply in number , we need to send a clear message - fix the traffic . Local Member Kevin Conolly ’ s commitment to the community comes through via his website :
“ I will always put the needs of the people of the area first . As we meet the future of changing technology and new urban development , I will strive with you to maintain the traditional community spirit which has grown up in places like Riverstone Schofields and Quakers Hill over generations .
“ Together with locals I will work to ensure that the infrastructure , services and facilities needed by our growing population are delivered so that each person and each family calling this district home has the widest possible opportunities available to them . In NSW Parliament I will speak up for this community , for what we need and for the values we share .”
Riverstone needs our local member to speak for our community . Together we need to call for the investment , to ensure the delivery of infrastructure , services and facilities and improved connectivity through roads .
Contact our local member by emailing parliament @ riverstone . com . au and encourage him to be our hero !
Remember , visitors and guests are always welcome at any of our events . For more information email hawkesburychamber . com . au or call 0400 493 749 .
Become a member of your local Chamber of Commerce
Whether you run a local business or just have an interest in what ’ s happening with business in the Hawkesbury , we always welcome new members . It ’ s a great way to meet others and find out about things affecting our local area .
To find out more about joining the Chamber check out the website at www . hawkesburychamber . com . au or email membership @ hawkesburychamber . com . au or phone 0400 493 749 .
The Hawkesbury Independent is a proud member and supporter of the Hawkesbury City Chamber of Commerce
www . hawkesburychamber . com . au • Find us on Facebook




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20 ISSUE 135 // AUGUST 2021 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT