Hawkesbury Independent IND 135 August 2021 | Page 15


Hawkesbury Library , Museum and Gallery online

Although our doors may be closed due to the current NSW COVID lockdown , our online portals are always open . We are still here for our community , with a range of activities and services accessible from the comfort of your own home .
Since lockdown closures were reintroduced on 26 June , Hawkesbury City Council ’ s Cultural Services staff have leapt into action to ensure that the wider Hawkesbury community is able to access our services from home . From online workshops to digital library resources , we have seen a bevy of successful programs roll out over the past few weeks .
The feedback so far has been that this is exactly what our community needs ; accessible resources and fun programs to keep you busy during lockdown . Whether our doors are open or closed , we are still here for you .
Here are some of our upcoming online programs and resources available .
LIBRARY ONLINE RESOURCES & PROGRAMS Online Author Talk - Kyle Perry : Thursday 5
August , 6.30 - 7.30pm
Presented by NSW Public Libraries Association . Bestselling author of The Bluffs will be in conversation with Bad Sydney Crime Writers ’ Festival Director , Catherine du Peloux Menage . Bookings essential via the NSW Public Libraries Eventbrite : shorturl . at / djrNP .
Zoomtime Rhymes : Every Monday starting 9 August , 10 - 10.30am This program will offer our younger audience , who love to rhyme and sing along , a chance to interact with others while at home . This session will be fast paced and jammed full of songs and rhymes . Accompanying craft activity will also be available to download . Bookings essential via our Eventbrite .
Photographing Historic Hawkesbury :
Wednesday 11 August , 10 - 10.45am Join the Hawkesbury Family History Group Zoom meeting for a presentation on the history of the Hawkesbury and some of the early photographers of the district . All welcome . Bookings essential via our Eventbrite .
Zoomtime Stories : Every Thursday starting 12 August , 11 - 11.30am This program is aimed at pre-school kids who want to listen to stories being read . This session will include stories around a theme . Accompanying craft activity will also be available to download . Bookings essential via our Eventbrite .
Movies @ Your Library : Thursday 12 August , 11am - midday Join us for a Facebook live chat for our August edition of Movies @ Your Library . Selected for this month from the library ’ s online film streaming service is Astronaut starring Richard Dreyfuss . Follow us on Facebook and look for the Movies live chat event on Thursday 12 August 11am .
Join the library online via our website and access the film via Beamafilms here : beamafilm . com / watch / astronaut .
# TriviaTuesday : Answer our quiz about the local area on our Facebook page every Tuesday .
# ThrowbackThursday : Check out our post featuring historic images of the local area on our Facebook and Instagram pages every Thursday . eLibrary : Download eBooks , eMagazines , and audiobooks ; use online resources for study and research or hone your computer skills . Available anytime , day or night : www . hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au / library / elibrary .
CONNECT WITH HAWKESBURY LIBRARY SERVICE : Facebook @ HawkesburyLibrary Instagram @ hawkesburylibrary www . hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au / library library @ hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au
MUSEUM ONLINE RESOURCES & PROGRAMS Museum Online : Access a range of curator talk videos , downloadable activity sheets , history related craft , information packs and more .
Museum Online Catalogue : Access the Museum collection from home . With information and photographs of thousands of objects in our collection , it is easy to explore the Museum even while we are closed .
CONNECT WITH HAWKESBURY REGIONAL MUSEUM : Facebook @ HawkesburyMuseum Instagram @ hawkesburyregionalmuseum www . hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au / museum museum @ hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au
Leonardo da Vino Online Workshop : Friday 13 August , 6 - 7pm Live via Zoom : Sip on a glass of wine while you are led by an artist in painting a lovely vase of blossoms . Ticket options available for art supplies to be shipped to you or use materials you already have at home . Bookings essential via our Eventbrite .
Coffee & Craft Online Workshop : Friday 13 August , 6 - 7pm Live via Zoom : Have a cuppa while you are led by an artist in creating your own gorgeous protea flower painting . Ticket options available for art supplies to be shipped to you or use materials you already have at home . Bookings essential via our Eventbrite .
Art Online : Access a range of video tutorials , downloadable activity sheets , stencils , downloadable PDFs and more .
Gallery Online Catalogue : Access the Gallery collection from home . With information and photographs of thousands of artworks in our collection , it is easy to explore the Gallery even while we are closed .
CONNECT WITH HAWKESBURY REGIONAL GALLERY : Facebook @ HawkesburyGallery Instagram @ hawkesburyregional _ gallery / www . hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au / gallery gallery @ hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 135 // AUGUST 2021 15