Childcare gap-fee waiver welcomed by
Windsor Park Public School
156 Rifle Range Rd , Bligh Park Ph : 4574 3070 | Fax : 4574 3074
Hawkesbury families
Childcare centres subject to stay-athome orders during COVID-19 restrictions , can waive gap-fees on the days that parents choose to keep their children at home , according to Western Sydney Senator , the Hon Marise Payne .
The optin measure is expected to benefit some 216,000 families , meaning they don ’ t pay for childcare they ’ re not using during lockdown .
It allows children to remain enrolled in care , while the centre continues to
receive the subsidy .
“ When gap-fees are waived , families will not have to pay any out-of-pocket costs for those days that their children are
Childcare fee support . Picture : Markus Spiske , Unsplash .
at home during the current stay at home period ,” Senator Payne said .
“ This is another measure that will make life easier for many families in the Hawkesbury during these challenging times .
“ This adds to the significant financial support we have already announced through the NSW COVID-19 Support Package which is backing families and businesses , and providing additional mental health support .”
Families experiencing a loss of income , such as casual workers or those in selfisolation , may also be eligible for support through the Additional Child Care Subsidy ( temporary financial hardship ).
The fee waiver applies to Hawkesbury as well as neighbouring local government areas of The Hills Shire , Blacktown , Blue Mountains , Cumberland , Hornsby , Parramatta and Penrith .
Windsor Park Public School promotes the development of a quality education in a happy and safe environment built on the values of respect , responsibility , tolerance and caring .
The school offers outstanding teaching and learning programs and opportunities along with many extracurricular activities including Choir , Dance , Debating , Public Speaking , Educational / Culturally diverse Incursions / Excursions , variety of Sporting opportunities and Targeted School Funded in-school activities to support the education and enjoyment of learning at our school .
Windsor Park Public School currently has an enrolment of 260 students .
Ten mainstream classes are in operation along with a Special Education Unit with three supported classes for students with special needs . High priority is given to student welfare and the integration of our students with special needs . ENROLLING NOW FOR 2022
Email : windsorpk-p . school @ det . nsw . edu . au Website : windsorpk-p . schools . nsw . gov . au
THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 135 // AUGUST 2021 29