Hawkesbury Independent IND 135 August 2021 | Page 23


Special VIP Alfie visits Moran Kellyville

Visitors at Moran Kellyville are an important part of our resident ’ s wellbeing and when those visitors come with their own furry coat , there are smiles all around ! Family members from all generations are welcomed into our homes ( when COVID restrictions allow ) but the visitors who often get the most attention are well behaved pets .
“ Sometimes when new residents move into our home , either on respite or permanently , they leave behind a pet who they miss dearly . To remedy this , we encourage family members to bring their pets for a visit as often as they can ,” said Nelly Banag , General Manager Moran Kellyville .
“ We are lucky to have beautiful gardens in our home that are perfect for pet visits , but indoor visits are common too .”
Terese , Alfie and Beatrice .
In recent times West Highland Terrier Alfie has been coming to Moran Kellyville to visit - his parent , Sylvia , is the Quality and Education Coordinator at Moran Kellyville . He loves pats and sitting with residents !
“ Bringing Alfie to work with me makes everyone more relaxed and happier . He even has his own official Care Plan . It ’ s a fun guide detailing his wants and needs that our residents use to get to know him better ,” said Sylvia .
It has been reported in Australia that up to 40 per cent of aged care home residents do not receive regular visitors , a statistic we are determined not to reach in Moran Homes .
For family members who find visiting their loved one in aged care difficult , bringing a pet along with them breaks the ice , puts everyone at ease and is a great talking point .
It encourages reminiscing about favourite pets and the heart-warming stories that go with them … something that is very important as we age .
To find out more about care at Moran Homes , call 9881 4222 or 1300 544 944 or visit morangroup . com . au . Like and follow us on Facebook .

An excerpt from Alfie ’ s Care Plan

I like to play chase and catch and I have many toys to play with . I have a calm character and don ’ t normally make noises . Please do not feed me with any food as I have a very fragile tummy and can be easily affected .
I am well trained for toileting , please take me for a walk outside every 5-6 hours . I love shaking hands and being cuddled over my neck and back . My skin is sensitive and my paws must remain dry to avoid skin infection . Please kindly dry my paws with paper towel if they get wet . I love sitting on your lap and looking around . I will have naps in my pram with a blanket between 9am-10am after my breakfast and in the afternoon around 3pm-4pm .
I dislike watching TV as I ’ m scared of shadows and if I start barking , which I don ’ t normally do , pat me on my back and tell me it is okay .
West Highland Terrier Alfie has his own Care Plan .
THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 135 // AUGUST 2021 23