Hawkesbury District Independent May 2020 #120 | Page 5

...FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK... With most restrictions still in place, it does appear that we are doing a great job as a country in tackling this pandemic. And with that, some hope of returning to normalcy is starting to materialise. This month will see some relaxing of restrictions beginning with the ability to visit other households. But let’s not dive in too quick - a combined effort is needed to keep this thing under control. Sadly through the infected nursing homes and cruise ships we’ve seen how one case quickly multiplies to dozens and hundreds. The COVIDSafe app is now ready to download. The entire focus of the app is to be able to trace contact with positive cases quickly. It is not so that the government can spy on you. There are lots of people saying ‘no way’ to taking part in this. But it is interesting to see where most of the noise is coming from.. you got it, Facebook. You know, that place where people display their birthday, where they live, where they go, who they see and even what they eat. Guess what? The government can also access Facebook. If they had any interest in tracking what you’re up to they’ve probably already done so. So let’s be sensible about this. We all want this thing to get under control. The government needs approximately 40 per cent of the people to download the app for it to be effective, and I’ll be one person who’ll contribute towards that percentage. I’d much rather receive a phone call to say I’d come into contact with an infected person than unknowingly carry it to the rest of my family. Stay safe. Conveyancing & Property Wills & Estates Family Law Small Business & Commercial Your thoughts? [email protected] HDI HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT Issue 120 | May 2020 Phone 4588 5055 | Fax: 9625 4649 www.hdinews.com.au | e: [email protected] Owner / Publisher | Julie Ryan // 0421 574 093 // [email protected] PO Box 16 WINDSOR NSW 2756 Creative Director | Natalie Reed // Natwest Creative Designs // 0411 030 474 www.natwestcreativedesigns.com.au | [email protected] Printer | Spot Press, Marrickville • 2020 www.hdinews.com.au Disclaimer: The comments of columnists and contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hawkesbury Independent. The Hawkesbury Independent nor any person acting on their behalf, may be held responsible for the use to which the information contained in this publication may be put, or for any errors which, despite careful preparation and checking, may appear. For a friendly, reliable service at competitive rates please call 0414 529 937 or email [email protected] 2 9 E L D O N S T R E E T, P I T T T O W N RETIRE IN STYLE TO NORTH RICHMOND Affordable retirement village living for over 55s Boutique style small friendly retirement village Riverside GARDENS North Richmond CURRENTLY AVAILABLE 3 bedroom villa with garage at $545,000 Spacious unit with balcony with a view $530,000 • • • • • • • • • • Security gated boutique retirement village CCTV cameras Vital Call in every dwelling On-site management presence during the day Walk to Shops, Health Professionals and public bus stop Near North Richmond Panthers Affordable ongoing costs Beautiful Community Centre being well patronised Adjacent to Hanna Park and easy walkways along the Hawkesbury River foreshore Pet friendly Phone Patricia for information and inspection 0447 334 615 34 Beaumont Avenue North Richmond THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT www.hdinews.com.au www.riverside-gardens.com.au ISSUE 120 // MAY 2020 3