Hawk Herald March 2014 | Volume 9 Issue 5 | Page 2

Notables……. PAGE 2  3/8 Jerry Arnold Georgia Challenge The largest track meet in Georgia with over 40 teams competing. The boys finished second and the girls finished 4th overall in the meet. Orchestra Honors Our students were FABULOUS at LGPE! Chamber Ensemble = Superior Rating Philharmonic Orchestra = Superior Rating Symphonic Orchestra = Excellent Rating Concert Orchestra = Superior Rating All orchestras were Superior in Sightreading. After Concert Orchestra sightread straight through the piece, the judge remarked on how difficult the piece was and that they were the first orchestra that had been able to read through it without stopping. After Philharmonic finished their own sightreading, an aide in the room said to another, "Wow, that was awesome!" All of the judges' critiques were valid and provide us a strong platform for future instruction as the students continue to strengthen their technical skills and move to higher artistic levels. Other remarks made by judges: Bravo! Great job! Such a great group! Great attention to detail Beautiful lyrical sound Beautiful development of the musical phrase Very musical performance Their precision of the marcato eighth notes was impressive Beta Club News: On March 7-8, 2014, the Mill Creek Beta Club took part in the GA State Beta Convention in Atlanta, GA. High School Beta Clubs from all over the state of Georgia compete in various academic areas. Mill Creek students competing were Aberleigh Rice, Jamie Na, Eric Shim, David Kim, Justin Nicoara, Timothy Le, Summer Phung, and Siddhi Shah. Results: Talent: Finalist, Jamie Na Art: Finalist, Aberleigh Rice Math: 2nd Place Finish, Eric Shim Oratory: State Winner, Timothy Le (will move on to Nationals in June)  Congratulations to Lacrosse player, Brandon Savoie for being named SUPER SIX!!!  SOCCER scholarships: Chris Schuetz to Oglethorpe Mike Vincent to Limestone  BASEBALL: 2013 REGION CHAMPS, 2nd Round STATE Jack Fleming to University of North Georgia Logan Moseley to University of Georgia 3/31 V @ Habersham Central After a long drive to Habersham the baseball team made a short night of it winning 16-0 in three innings. Jack Fleming gets the shut out for the Hawks! SOCCER STARS! Both our JV and our Varsity teams volunteered to give up the last part of their weekends in order to help mentally and physically handicapped children have a positive soccer experience. They represented Mill Creek and their coaches well. Their willingness to go the extra mile for members of the community reflect the positive example each of the team's coaches provide. We are very fortunate to have people of such high character involved with our kids. Huge shout out to all the kids who participated!!!!