Hawaiʻi Cancer at a Glance, 2014-2018 | Page 48

Data Sources , Methods , and Defini�ons

Data Sources , Methods , and Defini�ons

• Counts and / or rates displayed in tables and figures are suppressed if the total 5-year count and / or the average annual count is less than 10 .
• For some tables , the annual average numbers are rounded and may not add up to the rounded total . Similarly , percentages may not add up to 100 % due to rounding .
• Hawai ‘ i Tumor Registry , University of Hawai ‘ i Cancer Center .
• Hawai ‘ i State Department of Health .
• American Community Survey 5-year Public Use Microdata Sample .
• Na � onal Center for Health Sta�s�cs , Centers for Disease Control and Preven�on .
• SEER * Stat Database : Incidence - SEER Research Plus Data , 9 Registries , Nov 2020 Sub ( 1975-2018 ) - Linked To County A�ributes - Total U . S ., 1969-2019 Coun�es .
• SEER * Stat Database : Mortality - All COD , Aggregated With County , Total U . S . ( 1969-2018 ) Katrina Rita Popula�on Adjustment - Linked To County A�ributes - Total U . S ., 1969-2018 Coun�es .
• U . S . Cancer Sta�s�cs Working Group . U . S . Cancer Sta�s�cs Data Visualiza�ons Tool , based on 2020 submission data ( 1999 – 2018 ): U . S . Department of Health and Human Services , Centers for Disease Control and Preven�on and Na�onal Cancer Ins�tute .
• State Cancer Profiles , Na�onal Cancer Ins�tute and Centers for Disease Control and Preven�on .
• Rates are age-adjusted per 100,000 to the 2000 U . S . Standard Popula�on .
• Age-adjusted rates , prevalence , frequencies are calculated by Surveillance Research Program , Na�onal Cancer Ins�tute SEER * Stat so�ware version .
• Mean age at diagnosis is calculated by weighted mean from frequency aggregated with single age group .
• AAPC Calcula � on : Joinpoint Regression Program , Version . March , 2021 ; Sta�s�cal Research and Applica�ons Branch , Na�onal Cancer Ins�tute .
• Hawai ‘ i ’ s detailed race / ethnicity popula�on es�mates based on the American Community Survey 5-year Public Use Microdata Sample .
• Mul � ple race / ethnicity popula�ons were appor�oned into the major race / ethnicity groups according to their rela�ve prevalence .
• Cancer cases include invasive cases except for bladder cancer , which includes both invasive and in situ .
• Maui County includes Maui , Kalawao , Molokai , and Lanai .
• The number of cancer survivors are based on individuals diagnosed with the cancer in 1975-2017 and alive as of January 1st , 2018 .
• Other Female Genital Organs : Includes broad and round ligament , parametrium , uterine adnexa , Wolffia n body , fallopian tube , placenta , overlapping lesion of female genital organs , unspecified sites of the female genital tract .
• Other Diges�ve Organs : Includes overlapping lesions of the diges�ve system , overlapping lesions of retroperitoneum and peritoneum , and unspecified sites of the intes�nal tract .
• Other Biliary : Includes extrahepa�c bile duct , ampulla of vater , overlapping lesion of biliary tract , and biliary tract , NOS .
• Stage informa�on derived from combined summary stage variables .
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