Hawaiʻi Cancer at a Glance, 2012-2016 | Page 21

Breast Cancer in Hawai ‘ i

• Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in Hawai ‘ i .
• Annually , an average of 1,190 women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in Hawai ‘ i while another 294 are diagnosed with in situ breast cancer , or very early stage tumors that have not invaded surrounding �ssues .
• An average of 148 women die of breast cancer each year in Hawai ‘ i .
• Seventy-one percent of breast cancers are diagnosed in women of age 55 and older .
• Invasive breast cancer incidence rates in Hawai ‘ i increased nearly 2 % per year over the past 10 years .
• Invasive breast cancer mortality rates declined approximately 1 % per year over the past decade .
• Invasive breast cancer incidence in Hawai ‘ i ( 137.5 per 100,000 ) was higher than the U . S . overall ( 125.2 per 100,000 ) in 2012-2016 .
• Hawai ‘ i has among the lowest rates of breast cancer mortality in the country ( 15.8 per 100,000 ). This compares to 20.6 per 100,000 for the U . S . overall in 2012-2016 .
• Breast cancer incidence was higher among �a�ve Hawaiian , White , and Japanese women compared to Filipino , Chinese , and women of other race / ethnic groups .
• Breast cancer mortality was highest in �a�ve Hawaiian followed by White women .
• Most breast cancers ( 74 %) are diagnosed at early stages ( in situ or localized ); 24 % are diagnosed at advanced stages .
• The propor�on of breast cancers diagnosed at advanced stages ranged from 17 % for Japanese women to 29 % for women of other race / ethnic groups .
HAWAI ‘ I CANCER AT A GLANCE 2012-2016 Page 16