"hauntcon" stands for Haunted Attraction National Tradeshow and Convention. Leonard Pickel who serves as the event coordinator pulls this event together. HauntCon is the best place to attend if you want all the latest up to date information on the haunted industry! Many vendors come from all around. Among these vendors are haunted attractions, makeup companies, haunted house supply companies, organizations, marketing companies,
website creators, prop and costume
artists, and so much more!
Here many things go down from
training, to showing you how to make
your own costumes, props, and how to
make your actors look scarier than
ever before. Each year just seems to
get better and better.
Hauntcon 2013 just took place in
april of 2013 so, if you were unable to
make it out to hauntcon 2013 then you
definitely missed a really good time but,
do not fret because hauntcon returns in 2014 with a whole different venue. if you want to keep up with what is going on in the hauntcon world then visit them at their website at www.hauntcon.com and you will be able to keep up with all of the information such as upcoming events and when their next convention will be held.
Do not miss the next one! Do all that you can to attend and be part of hauntcon 2014! Even if it takes an arm and a leg to get there! We hope to see you there in 2014! Good luck in 2013 and
happy hauntings to all of our
haunt fans and haunters alike!