Welcome to "America's Most Haunted" presented by The Haunt Rater! After much consideration and many people as the deciding factor we have decided to turn ourselves a whole different direction and we are glad we have. The response has been incredible! More than we could have ever imagined.
We have truly enjoyed our time rating and reviewing haunted attractions but, we have been pulled for years to go into this direction and we have received a very welcoming reception as we have moved in this direction.
In just our first day of delivering our new website we came to place our presence on twitter and upon doing so we had 100+ followers in just the first day alone! Then by the end of the first week we had 350+ followers. Now with only about three weeks on twitter we have over 600 followers and are continually growing daily!
So please share with us your stories of the paranormal and the strange! Let us know of any paranormal tours or events that we can advertise for or even visit! This venture is becoming large and hope to only make it as large as the paranormal community will allow us to be!
Visit our website at www.americas-most-haunted.org and see what we are all about and how you too can get involved in the strange and unnatural!