So, what really made these guys #1 and what made them truly stand out among the crowd of many? Well, much thought goes into the process of choosing the #1 attraction year after year. It is truly hard to choose because many are just so good! We would love to just choose them all but, that would just break our piggy bank to pieces.
Nonetheless, in 2014 we had a unique situation occur. We had 3 distinct and different haunted attractions win our #1 award! Jason's Woods was mos definitely one of those attractions, standing out from the rest. For the first time in about 20 years they changed up one of their most thrilling attractions and took a leap that more than worked for them.
In 2013, Jason's Woods closed the doors of the infamous "Barn of Terror" and opened the doors to "The Chamber of Horrors". The Chamber of Horrors is definitely an attraction all of its own to experience. When changing attractions, especially in such a big year like 2013, you run the risk of being a huge success or a totally failure. Well, let us tell you that Jason's Woods pulled off an amazing show of fear in 2013 and this is what made them stand out to us in 2013!