Hashtag American Mag Vol. 6 Late Spring 2017 | Page 8

George Myatt - "Style is an expression of the energy you broadcast to the world and in your life. The fashion I wear is relaxed, polished, and when called for, enticing. What you wear can excite the room or uplift a friend's spirit; I make it my mission every day to wear something that gives off good vibes. My style is also influenced by the liberal and independent spirt of Austin, TX. Diversity is an important value expressed in my clothes because ever y identity should be celebrated with open arms to make this world a better place."





page 22

Chandler Van Horn

George Myatt

Producer: Santiago Anaya

Production Assistant: Bushra Khan

Photographer: Alejandro Osma

Photography Assistants:

Eric Storey and Tara Gormley

Makeup: Alex Vega

Hair: Santiago Anaya

Hair Product Sponsor: Aqua512

Music Talent: Joey Suarez

An Anaya Management Production

-kia kaha kia maia kia manawanui-

This quote means to be strong, be steadfast and be willing.

I want to powerfully affect the mind, senses and emotions of every potential scout photographer or modeling agency.

I will be dutifully firm and unwavering in my modeling. This is the year that I will push myself to be better and to keep my modeling career in check.

I'm ready to see what modeling has in store for me. I'm eager to show everyone what I have to give!

My style from my perspective is very unique.

It is diverse around the Austin, Tx area because you don't meet or see too many people that can pull off tons of different looks.

Chandler Van Horn