Hashtag American Mag Vol. 3 | Page 6

Spotlight on Education: The impact of positive male role models

by Dianne l. Vecchiarelli

If you ask Marcus if he would change anything about being raised by all women he would flat out respond with a firm “No”. Marcus’s father was in and out of jail throughout his life and had little to no contact with him. His mother, Rose, and grandmother, Estelle, instilled in him early on that he was the man of the house. He didn’t even know what that meant, but he knew it was important. In my role as a high school guidance counselor, I have met many young men like Marcus. What sets him apart is that he did not allow signs of obstacles to deter him. Young men have many questions about everyday life issues, and when there are no answers to their questions, they look for answers in all the wrong places. Selling and using drugs, becoming a part of a gang to find their place, and often times not finishing school are a few of the things I commonly see.

In this reflective piece, Marcus persevered against all the stereotypes that were stacked up against him. Credits go to his mother, and grandmother, who repeatedly told him “you need to seek out positive male role models, mentors, and coaches.” Marcus listened to their words and rose to the challenge. He had teachers throughout elementary, middle and junior high that mentored him, but none compared to the likes of Mr. McCall.

Mr. Henry McCall was the quintessential educator. He was adored by all and every student wanted to be in his ninth grade advanced Algebra class. At first, Marcus wasn’t so sure about Mr. McCall and thought that he was picking on him and held him to task more than the other students. One afternoon, Mr. McCall asked Marcus to stay after. He did so reluctantly. After much dialogue, Marcus started to understand that he wasn’t picking on him, but, rather, Mr. McCall could see his passion for Math and wanted to help him expand on that. The impact from that meeting afterschool was a game-changer. If you have an opportunity to play a role in a young person’s life, please do so. The rewards are endless!

The Meaning of The King Holiday



The Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday celebrates the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America. We commemorate as well the timeless values he taught us through his example — the values of courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service that so radiantly defined Dr. King’s character and empowered his leadership. On this holiday, we commemorate the universal, unconditional love, forgiveness and nonviolence that empowered his revolutionary spirit.