Hashtag American Mag Vol. 3 | Page 11

MM: Selection of the fabric obviously is a fundamental part; so, I had to feel the original tulips, which originated from either Netherlands or France. I have to feel the texture of the petal to interpret the same feeling on the fabric. I have chosen silk that exactly define the texture.

CS: Were any of the materials difficult to work with?

MM: Well, it's always a privilege to work with silk but sometimes, silk can be very much a handful to work with! Especially when you are re-creating some laws for fabric. Since, I have completely eliminated the darts to fit against the curves of the body and have created all-curved seaming to achieve the fit, the silk was challenging. I am very thankful to God that he helped me to archive my target!

CS: What did you enjoy the most about designing and constructing this collection?

MM: Designing and construction is an unbelievingly fascinating process. It always makes me learn new tricks and tips for my future projects. Designing a collection, which is truly inspired by nature, makes me focus on my natural surroundings. Paying meticulous attention to the beauty of everything raises the tide in my brain to work on something new.

CS: Any designer collaboration on the horizon for you in the future?

MM: I always like to work solo. It's not that I don't like interaction, but if an idea is a failure, I have no one to blame but myself.

CS: The last time I interviewed you earlier this year, you mentioned a possible menswear collection, any updates on that?

MM: Yes! I can't wait to start working on a men's collection. In fact, at the Las Vegas convention, I purchased beautiful fabric to work with. But I still haven't decided when is going to be launched. Fingers crossed!!!

CS: I understand designing has been your dream since childhood, but your other love and desire was to be a pilot like your father. What was the deciding factor, or the "tipping point” for your choosing your love of design over your love of flying and travel?

MM: Actually, I do love both of them still, but I had to choose one to make my career. For the love of fashion, I travel a lot and of course, I flew around many places and the only difference is instead of sitting on a pilot seat, I sit as a passenger to fulfill that passion.

CS: I've asked you this question before, but where do you see yourself in five years?

MM: Honestly, I can't predict the future but it's my target to see myself designing on at least on a national level, by God's grace.

SC: Where can we view and purchase your gorgeous pieces?

MM: You can view my new collection on my website www.merumerus.com, my Facebook page at Meru Merus or the Instagram at Merumerus527. My collection can be bought either directly from my design house or at Mio's Boutique in midtown Houston area.

CS: Meru, it’s been a pleasure! Thank you for so graciously accommodating me once again Love ChristineSonia 😍❤️

MM: It was delightful and a pleasure for me as well to being a part of this Christine, Thank you!

And HASHTAG AMERICA Magazine would like to thank your both for sharing your design insights! xo

“ChristineSonia is a world traveled designer from Sydney Australia, born of Lebanese descent. Her interest in fashion started at an early age and in her teens she began making her own clothes. She is known for her well designed, beautifully made timeless garments. Self taught with a healthy appreciation of design philosophy and with her patience, tenacity and keen eye for detail has made an impression on the fashion industry.” www.christinesonia.com