Harvesting the Urban Orchard DIVRS Harvesting the Urban Orchard | Page 20

HARVESTING THE URBAN ORCHARD DIVRS Supporting the Team Your volunteers are your champions and your tree owners your generous donors, so keep them connected, busy and informed. Other important considerations for your people include the following: v v reimbursement for travel expenses v v end-of-harvest-season gatherings or end-of-year celebrations and certificates to commemorate their time with the project. Social gatherings every now and then will create a warm, inclusive culture and a sense of reciprocity v v in-house fruit-preserving sessions v v information about related training and activities, festivals and workshops v v offering free memberships with partnership organisation v v thank you emails/letters v v updates on harvest tallies and milestones v v opportunity for training v v seasonal fruit reminders v v checking in with volunteers and tree owners as to their feelings about being photographed. There will be many great photo opportunities. We include photo permission forms with volunteer registration forms. Keep volunteers informed of how images are used v v One of the benefits of having a paid coordinator is that they will now and then have time to sit and have a cup of tea with volunteers either side of a harvest. Even though this won’t be important to all volunteers, it helps create a good team spirit 20 21