Harvesting the Urban Orchard DIVRS Harvesting the Urban Orchard | Page 12

HARVESTING THE URBAN ORCHARD DIVRS SECTION 1 Getting Started Whether you are a small, established community group, an active group of citizens, a formal organisation, a sustainability advisor in the council, a public housing officer, or a community agency already delivering community programs, you will need to consider your size, infrastructure and capacity for seeing this project through. What Is Your Shared Purpose? Creating a clear vision statement will define exactly what it is you want to achieve and why. You will have a broad idea of the kind of service you want to create, who will benefit and how. You may start with a big vision, but in reality, focusing on your local municipality to begin with until you build up resources and move away from financial dependence might be the soundest way to kick off. Ideally, you want to create a project that is inspiring and achievable! 12 Start small and get started! 13 Are You the Right People for the Job?