Harvesting customer insights in book publishing | Page 8



Figure 1 - Survey results on book consumption Source : goetzpartners consumer survey , 2021 , 226 respondents
>> These findings express , in stark black and white terms , the challenges that book publishers face today : In Germany , the number of consumer book buyers declined by almost 20 % between
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2010-19 . Overall book industry revenues dropped by 5 % over the same period . Though the 10 biggest literature publishing houses in Germany have been able to increase their revenues by about
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3 % annually since 2017 on average , profitability levels have declined for most players .
Overall , the COVID-19 pandemic has caused another revenue decline in stationary retail . The most
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important channel declined by almost 9 % YoY . Revenues in the popular-fiction segment are
7 ) projected to fall by an additional 4 % by 2024 .