bible study
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How to Put Love First Available October 3 Sadie Robertson Huff & Christian Huff A 90-day journey to embrace a life-giving relationship with God and experience authentic , healthy relationships with your people . ( HarperCollins Christian Publishing ) HC 9781400228645 $ 22.99 SALE $ 13.79
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Purpose Doesn ’ t Pause Available October 3 Hope Reagan Harris Helps you lean into your confusion , rather than avoid it , and enjoy a sense of purpose every day . ( David C Cook ) SC 9780830785865 $ 17.99
Calm Your Anxiety Available September 12 Robert J . Morgan Takes you on a 60-day journey that will help make managing your anxiety a good habit and shift your mindset . ( HarperCollins Christian Publishing ) SC 9781400335534 $ 14.99 SALE $ 8.99
Your God Knows Available October 3 Lisa Whittle This interactive video-based Bible study explores the book of Nahum to remind women that God is ever-present and always working . ( David C Cook ) SC 9780830785377 $ 19.99 SALE $ 17.97
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