Guests Complain !
es believe it or not guests do complain, never, I hear you say
but I am sorry to say it is true, uncle Razmik will be moaning about
sitting next to aunty Aida, Armineh will want to know why she can't
bring the children and cousin Teni will be complaining about the
choice of music, you can't keep everyone happy but you can aim for
Some guests will have a moan if you just ask them for money and
nothing else, since some people consider this rude but fortunately in
Armenian weddings it goes without saying.
Guests may complain if they are unable to bring their children though
it most circles this is understood and accepted. Another complaint will
not be thanking the guests for the gifts using pen and paper.
Make sure your guests are able to get from the church to the reception
if the distance is too far you need to provide some kind of transport.
Another gripe is the interval between the church and reception, try and
organize drinks and canapés in between if the interval is going to be
any length of time.
Finally the seating plan, try to group people that like each other
together and not the other way round(it may be amusing at the time
but the results could be disastrous ). HM
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