Harmony's Voice #1 - Jan, 2014 | Page 2

The Concept...

This online publication is a not-for-profit promotional tool for the developmental processes of the novella-in-progress entitled 'Harmony's Voice'. The original story idea, having been conceived almost 5 years ago, has proven to be an exciting and worthwhile journey for its writer, Tony G. Marshall. The story is of the crime/thriller genres laced with a unique blend of musical influences throughout its timeline which unfolds over a 10-year period crossing into the new millennium. With a Prologue set in early 1995, 'Harmony's Voice' depicts the life and times of Marin County-born New Yorker, Goldie Johnson - a talented lady with an unyielding force of survival who is also blessed with a fabulous voice into the bargain.

eBooks Open are very proud to be involved in the publishing of this newsletter service along with being the publishers of 'Harmony's Voice' the novella. At present this new online promotional concept is scheduled to be published on a quarterly basis and will support the new Story Blog network in conjunction with its already popular social media outlets of Facebook and Twitter. We hope you the reader will be entertained throughout the journey of this quarterly publication and in turn discover a source of inspiration for your own writing journey - be it creative or educational or both. It has certainly been a journey of discovery for the writer and main character of 'Harmony's Voice', and it continues to be so to this day.

eBooks Open - Winter, 2013/14.

* Front cover - Characters:

Inset - Goldie Johnson + Harley-Davidson

Left to Right - Jon Schrijver, Jana Jurrant, Robin 'The Dex' Dexter, Melody 'Mel' Holloway, Gina Holloway, Donnie McKean, Lynda Fairchild McKean.

Newsletter Mag : Jan 2014