Rates & Policies
(Per position, single issue)
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Discounts for multiple-issue insertions and agency placements.
Contact Cindi Erker for details.
*Sponsorships are only offered with placements in three-or-more consecutive issues.Sector
availability subject to first-come, first-served basis.
Advertising Prep & Policies
Material must be submitted in JPG format at 72 pixels-per-inch resolution, RGB color.
Hyperlinks to websites and landing pages will be active on the full surface of the ad. URLs to be supplied by
Traffic reports will be available, by request, to advertisers up to six times annually.
All materials should be delivered to [email protected].
All payments for display advertising are due on receipt of invoice. Directory advertising is invoiced at time of
placement. Advertising that is not pre-paid will be invoiced on publication of magazine. Late charges of 1.5%
per month accrue after 30 days. Should advertiser and/or agency default in payments of advertising bills,
advertiser and/or agency become responsible for collections and/or attorney’s fees.
Publisher reserves right to accept, reject or edit any copy and/or advertisement for any reason. Advertiser
and/or agency assumes all liability for advertisements, Hard-Surface Report and its owners are not
responsible for the claims, nor the accuracy, of any statements made in paid advertising or contributed