Happy Woman Club April 2013 | Page 11


If you go shopping, do you like more than one item of the thing you are buying? say , you are buying a red blouse , do you end up buying the whole collection of colors? what quality would that give you ? the assurance that you will not feel bored ? it is very good to ask yourself what value I am asserting with my action.

Often, having more will steal your motivation to accomplish something. If you have a big list of things to do in any given day, chances are that you will start to lose interest by the third or fourth thing on your list, and you might end up not finishing even half of the list !

Why? because human beings have a certain built up which enables them to concentrate better and attract things better when they have a certain point of focus .

Do you have a list of desires ? a list of qualities of the man of your dreams? have you been waiting a long time to get all the items on your long list? Try to make it shorter, but keeping the most valuable things, and chances are things will start happening !

Less creates meaning

There's a famous saying which says: If you keep wanting more, then nothing will ever be enough !

That is so true, in the sense that when you decide you want more of one thing for the sake of collecting or for the sake of feeling in control ,

you must be aware of the meaning you're giving to it.

Some people are driven by excitment of accumulation, which is actually a dangerous tool to play with. Not only will it help in losing focus, but it will also make you lose the meaning and the true value of what you are aquiring.

Why is that? because human beings have a certain built in which demands a specific point of focus .

So the next time you find yourself wanting to have more when you could really live with just one, or you find yourself wanting to do a huge amount of things , remind yourself that less is more. It will be more meaningful, and you will be able to get it done, do it better, focus more, appriacte it more, and enjoy it much more !

And always remember to consider yourself lucky for having the privilege of the possibility !