Happy Land 3 | Page 12

It's time to say

GOODBYE... !!!

Dear Erasmus friends,

Every day the media give news of war, killings, environmental disasters.

The international landscape is doubtless unhappy but .... two years ago

a Polish teacher had the idea of writing a project and ... thinking about what?

About the happiness! "Get addicted to happiness”!...

Happiness we try to teach every day to our students.

Happiness we got in literature, in sport, in art, in volunteering, in dance.

We, European citizens and not, we want to guide our young people towards

peace, justice, respect and knowledge for other people and their traditions, equality.

Therefore, we have to be and we had been not only

"happiness hunters" but happiness travelers.

We hope this wonderful experience, unforgettable for us, teaches to our

students that "Get addicted to happiness" can be one of the goals of their future life.

It's time to say goodbye…

I thank you for giving all my colleagues and me the opportunity

to live a professional but even more a personal experience with all of you.

I hope to meet you again somewhere in the world and share with you another

Erasmus project.

Rita D' Aquino and all Erasmus Italian Team