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Class X Chapter 8 – How do Organisms Reproduce Science
• Variations are more viable in sexual mode than in asexual one . This is because in asexual reproduction , DNA has to function inside the inherited cellular apparatus .
Question 5 : What are the functions performed by the testis in human beings ? Answer : The testes are the male reproductive organs that are located outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called scrotum . Functions of testes :
• Produce sperms
• Produce a hormone called testosterone , which brings about secondary sexual characters in boys .
Question 6 : Why does menstruation occur ? Answer : Menstruation is a process in which blood and mucous flows out every month through the vagina . This process occurs every month because one egg is released from the ovary every month and at the same time , the uterus ( womb ) prepares itself to receive the fertilized egg . Thus , the inner lining of the uterus gets thickened and is supplied with blood to nourish the embryo . If the egg does not get fertilised , then the lining of the uterus breaks down slowly and gets released in the form of blood and mucous from the vagina . Question 7 :
Draw a labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of a flower . Answer :
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