Happiness and Fear 1 | Page 3

2 . The Control Even though it might seem counter-intuitive at times , people will feel more confident and in control when they are scared and need to survive a challenge . In such conditions , an artificial bubble of safety is created when they start to predict the events , see these events unfold with time and then survive these conditions . And since , horror seekers know what to expect from horror ; they start to gain control over their fear , which gives them a sense of safety and control . What these horror seekers gain the most from these events is that they had already known that the events to come are going to be scary and they went for it none the less . This gives them a sense of strength and power .
3 . Accomplishment
Everyone loves a good adventure . Those who seek fear are no different either . They too get a smirk at the end of every adventure like the adventure hero Indiana Jones . When a group has travelled through a haunted forest , the complete three or four-hour package trip gives them a sense of adventure . After they have completed their journey , the feel of accomplishment along with the memories of adventure , make them very happy .
Source : http :// www . researchomatic . com / fear-53464 . html