Happily Ever After Binder1 | Page 14

happily eVer



Bachelor ’ s party

No wedding is complete without a bachelor ’ s party prior to the occasion . It is a time of celebration , welcoming the start of a new lifestyle as the groomto-be bids farewell to the single life . However , there are certain rules to abide by when throwing a bachelor ’ s party . The dos and don ’ ts of a bachelor ’ s party : 1 . Don ’ t plan the bachelor ’ s party for the night before the wedding , as no one wants to have a hangover on their wedding day . 2 . Don ’ t do anything silly or potentially dangerous . The bride will not be amused if her groom arrives on their wedding day with an arm cast or neck brace . 3 . Don ’ t go to a strip club , especially if the bride and the groom do not agree with it . If you take the groom to a strip show without everyone ’ s permission , it will only cause tension and put a strain on friendships . 4 . Do make sure you have tailored the bachelor ’ s party to the groom ’ s tastes . If he enjoys sport , get together for a friendly rugby , cricket or soccer game and enjoy a few cold beers together .
5 . Do cover the costs for the groom . If the party is to take place at a restaurant for supper , followed by a few drinks at a bar , let everyone contribute towards the groom ’ s tab , as he does have a honeymoon to plan for . 6 . Do proper planning for the night ahead . This means setting up an itinerary , which will allow for the unexpected and to ensure everyone keeps in check . 7 . Do plan to spread the bachelor ’ s party over the weekend , as this will be one of the rare opportunities where the boys can spend time together .