and a council of spirits, family of singing bowls,
bells, rattles, drums, all eager to be of service to
you, buoyed by the six sacred hallmarks of healing
with sound.
I ntention:
We visualize that which you most would like to
manifest. What would it feel like? Sound like?
Look like? How do we profess this in positive
terms—what you most desire to present in your
life, your enhanced state of health, well-being,
Then we ponder--what is most in the way of that
which you truly desire? Where are you stuck, un-
resolved, at a plateau? What thoughts, feelings,
beliefs, obstacles, obscurations, impediments
need to be addressed and shifted or eliminated
so that power and wisdom can flow in and create
your desired state?
We form intentions—laying a mental-emotional
framework for what the desired state will be like.
Believing in the universe as benevolent is crucial,
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as is the assessment of our belief structure, for all
must be aligned with bringing about our intended
desired state.
The spirits and your stories highlight your heal-
ing intentions as a transformation of your current
state—shown as a set of energy and matter con-
figurations—to your desired states’ configurations
of energy and matter. My spirits’ job is to find
where the configurations can most effectively and
efficiently dissolve and reconfigure so that the
energy medicine of sound can get into the system
and create the maximum sustainable expansion.
S pirits
We call in assistance from the divine, benevo-
lent spiritual help—seen or unseen, known or
unknown. We are born with power animals and
guiding ones. It may take us a lifetime to realize
just how powerful they really are. This spiritu-
al wisdom and power unfathomably guides the
sound, is the sound that flows through me, us.
The compassionate benevolent spirits show us