The Ties That
Bind Us
By Brent Marchant
ver feel like you were completely
on your own, isolated and discon-
nected from everyone and every-
thing? In a world beset by indif-
ference, selfishness and greed, it’s
easy to see how one might get that
impression. Yet, often within a rel-
atively short time after the onset of those feelings,
we find ourselves comfortably ensconced in the
company of family, friends and community, a part
of a larger whole. And those feelings tend to per-
sist, sometimes so much so that we start to take
them for granted.
The reason we often feel that way is because that
sense of connection is our natural state of being. In
a universe where everything, including us, is made
up of the same fundamental building blocks, we’re
all inherently linked to everyone and everything
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