HAPI Guide HAPIguide FALL 2017 | Page 20

HEALTH maintain homeostasis. Dysfunction of the ECS is thought to contribute to a wide variety of condi- tions, including fibromyalgia and IBS. In simple terms, when your body doesn’t produce enough endocannabinoids or does not regulate them prop- erly, you are more prone to illnesses that affect one or more of the functions listed above. In short, the ECS works in overdrive to restore the body’s natural balance when diseases are present. It’s why cannabis relieves so many medical condi- tions. Ingesting cannabinoids signals the body to create more endocannabinoids and build more re- ceptors. By doing this, the system reduces inflam- mation while repairing cells. What happens if you have a weakened ECS? Sig- nificantly, chronic pain and inflammatory condi- tions will appear. The National Institutes of Health is examining the possibility that an ECS deficiency could be the underlying factor of “migraines, fibro- myalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and other func- tional conditions alleviated by clinical cannabis.” In addition, research has found that humans are not the only beings with ECS. Mammals, reptiles, and even some non-vertebrates have this regula- 20 | HAPI Guide tory structure. It affects cell growth, reproduction, and many other functions. Thus, hemp CDB prod- ucts without the THC are beneficial to pets and other animals as well. In addition, research has found that humans are not the only beings with ECS. Mammals, reptiles, and even some non-vertebrates have this regulatory structure. It affects cell growth, reproduction, and many other functions. Thus, hemp CDB products without the THC are beneficial to pets and other animals as well.