HAPI Guide HAPIguide FALL 2017 | Page 17

HEALTH REVIEW A Few Minor Adjustments: A Memoir of Healing By Cherie Kephart T he title of Cherie Kephart’s mem- oir A Few Minor Adjustments be- lies the depth of pain, illness, and fortitude she has endured while battling a mysterious and relent- less illness contracted during her world-traveling adventures. With humor and insightful storytelling, Kephart grabs the reader with vivid descriptions of her Peace Corps assignment in a remote village of Africa that was the start of her medical odyssey. She then narrates in alternating funny and anguishing prose her repeated encounters with well-mean- ing, but clueless medical doctors and healers in a torturous and uncertain journey to find healing. A Few Minor Adjustments: A Memoir of Healing cov- ers seven years in which the author devolves from a healthy, adventurous explorer to a pain-filled, health-challenged patient buffeted by medical diagnoses that gave her no relief from her suffer- ing. Through it all, Kephart stays true to her desire to maintain an active life, regardless of her symp- toms. Kephart’s writing flows with beautiful, and some- times disturbing descriptions of her adventures, both in the wild and in her doctors’ offices. In the end, her book is a testament to Kephart’s will to live in the face of the inadequacies and myopic vision of modern medicine. 17 | HAPI Guide In trying not to die, Kephart learned to live. Through it all, she found self-acceptance, love, and forgiveness. In the end, she found the gift in facing death: Life.  Reviewed by MJ Schwader