Hang Gliding and Paragliding Volume 44 / Issue 3: March 2014 | Page 65
COSTA RICA - Grampa Ninja’s Paragliders’ B&B.
FlyTexas / Jeff Hunt - training pilots in Central
Texas for 25 years. Hangar facilities near Packsaddle
Mountain, and Lake LBJ. More info: www.flytexas.
com, (512)467-2529
CLOUD 9 PARAGLIDING - Come visit us and check
out our huge selection of paragliding gear, traction
kites, extreme toys, and any other fun things you can
think of. If you aren’t near the Point of the Mountain,
then head to http://www.paragliders.com for a full
list of products and services. We are Utah’s only full
time shop and repair facility, Give us a ring at 801576-6460 if you have any questions.
BLUE SKY - Full-time HG instruction. Daily lessons,
scooter and platform towing. AT towing part time.
Custom sewing, powered harnesses, Aeros PG ,
Flylight and Airborne trikes. 804-241-4324 , www.
BAJA MEXICO - La Salina: PG, HG, PPG www.F ST