Hang Gliding and Paragliding Volume 44 / Issue 12:December 2014 | Page 15

Frank points out that reluctance to report is not specific to our community. “In my professional life I see similar reluctance to reporting of adverse event in other contexts. Fortunately, there are many other activities where accident and incident reporting has become standard, and we can learn a lot from these areas. By implementing the lessons learned in these other domains we can work on creating a reporting culture that will allow all of us to benefit.” Expand Your Horizons Some people don’t file a report because it’s difficult to gather all the info to complete the form, or they’re not comfortable writing about the experience. Does the new system provide a way for those who are intimidated by the form-filling process to file a report? “A great question that is spot on!” says Mitch. “The reporting process has to be easy and quick to at least get the basics of the accident report filed, and that is task one we are working on with the USHPA staff: designing that easy online report. The reporter will put in the basic facts (who, what, where, when) that gets captured as the summary and is a five-minute process. Once we have that, we can follow-up and help with the rest, or the reporter can continue on to a more detailed, well designed online report. Or, the truly intimidated form-writer can just call one of us on the committee and we will take and input the info.” Frank concurs that reporting should be almost a no-brainer although, he believes, “The amount of work that goes into filing has to be enough to make the report meaningful. I also encourage every pilot to write down a description of an incident or accident if they encounter one, independent of their reporting to USHPA. Spelling out the sequence of events is a good way to think through the incident or accident, and will facilitate learning, which can * Climb to cloudbase & shut the motor off * Easy in-air restart * Special offer for pilots crossing over * Instructor Opportunities Miniplane-USA.com/ushpa