Hang Gliding and Paragliding Volume 44 / Issue 1: January 2014 | Page 51
top nations, a 50-point difference is significant. Christian
Ciech and Davide Guiducci are two of the strongest, most
experienced team members in this race.
Moyes Boys
Jonny Durand teamed up with André Wolf. They are not
only flying the same glider model, but also the same size
and similar color scheme, seeming to be a perfect match for
this race. Both are in great shape, very motivated and ready
to do battle. They placed third on task 1, just seven points
behind Felicione Team. Being able to repeat their third spot
on task 2, just 13 points behind the Italian Dream Team,
enabled them to move up one step on the podium.
Sporting Goods
Definitely not for sale, the team was composed of Brian
Boudreau and Kip Stone, the two sport-class pilots who
competed. They had a lot of fun and, even though this
was a major-league comp, it was a thrilling experience for
them. On the first task, while they were downloading their
instruments, you could see the excitement in their faces and
hear the emotion in their voices. They flew about 6km back
from the turnpoint, almost halfway around. Unfortunately,
task 2 was quite difficult, so they could not get very far;
however, their joy did not dissipate. They both agreed that,
despite their placing low in the results list, they had “never
enjoyed being last before.”
The Swarm
Well, in this case the “Killa Bee” found a great ally to
fly with; it was Matt Barker who complemented Larry
Bunner’s swarm. This team lived up to its name, because
both of them worked together, and flew consistently and
tenaciously, which paid off. Coming in fourth on task 1
and fifth on task 2 allowed them to take advantage of other
teams’ slipping down and take that hop onto the podium
Team Americus
World Police: Directly from down-under, Dave May and
Glen McFarlane joined us in Americus; they were inspired
by the 2004 film by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (creators
of South Park) to choose one of the best team names of the
comp. These two had a rough start, placing eleventh on task
1, but were able to do better on the second task, placing
sixth, ending up in the ninth spot overall.
Team Quest
These pilots are definitely familiar with Quest Air and have
certainly shared plenty of cool moments there, both on the
ground and in the air. Greg Dinauer and Mitch Shipley
were also in a quest for the jackpot, but like most of the