Hang Gliding and Paragliding Volume 44 / Issue 1: January 2014 | Page 48

Race of Champions Champions A New Perspective on XC Racing by T here are many different types of hang gliding competitions, such as aerobatics, speed gliding, ridge racing, dune contests, and race and rallies. But the most common is cross-country. One of the companies in the United States, Flytec, has organized an ever-developing competition, the Race of Champions, at the direction of Jamie Shelden and Steve Kroop. The most recent ROC was held in May 2013, right after their Flytec Championships. The Race of Champions is basically a three-day, invitation-only, race that at its inception followed a full week of regular XC flying, allowing pilots to be in top C L A U DI A M E J I A shape as they attempted to win the title, plus a juicy jackpot. Jamie explained that it is by invitation because “we want the best of the best; we want aggressive racing tasks with a high percentage of pilots in goal.” The first edition was held in 2007 at Quest Air, with the top 30 pilots from the Flytec Championship competing. That year it was an elimination race, excluding the bottom pilots after each of the first two tasks and retaining the best 10 pilots for the final round. Spectators report being thrilled at the sight of Phil Bloom chasing Jonny Durand and managing to beat him into goal. Brazilians Nenê Rotor and Leo Dabbur tied for third place. These pilots won the largest amount of the ABOVE Staging line, ready to race. OPPOSITE Mike Bilyk and Florian Gostner, aka team Young Guns. 48 HANG GLIDING & PARAGLIDING MAGAZINE