Hang Gliding and Paragliding Volume 44 / Issue 1: January 2014 | Page 17
Make sure to get a
name-brand wing
currently in circulation
with a track record.
That way you will
know the wing you
are buying does not
have any issues.
easoned pilots know what’s up
on this topic, but new pilots
like me need a bit of guidance
when choosing a new wing. I hope
what I learned in going through this
process will help you streamline
your decision-making.
But first, a bit about me, so you
will know where I am coming from.
I started flying a year and a half ago
and currently have accumulated 80
hours, 250 flights, and countless
hours of kiting and para-waiting. My
first wing was an EN/A, which was
absolutely perfect for me. I chose it
based on advice given by my instructor and by searching for information on the web. I live in the Sierra
Nevada, which has amazing, but
spicy, thermaling conditions. My
first wing provided me with a ton
of forgiveness, security, and passive
safety. Its predictable feel was key to
my comfort, as I started to venture
out later in the mornings on my first
long thermaling flights. My first SIV/
maneuvers class boosted my comfort
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