Hang Gliding and Paragliding Volume 44 / Issue 1: January 2014 | Page 14

ASSOCIATION T he fall USHPA board of directors meeting was held in Renton, Washington, from October 10-12, 2013, with President Rich Hass presiding. The event, held over a three-day period, included a special election and a disciplinary hearing on day one. On day two, committees formed to work as groups on existing projects and new initiatives. The meeting was concluded both the staff and Risk Management committee will review site-insurance applications. Mark Forbes reiterated the importance of reducing professional liability claims, as claims to date have exceeded projections, resulting in premium increases. He emphasized that we as an organization need to pay particular attention to pilot safety, pilot training, and tandem instructional flights, if we intend Fall 2013 Board Meeting on day three with the board’s adoption of changes, and elections of officers for 2014. USHPA treasurer Mark Forbes reports USHPA is in good financial shape. The 2014 operating budget is in line with revenue projections and on budget. The current budget is $1.5M revenue with $1.5M in expenses and a net deficit of $4882. The complete financial report can be viewed by visiting the USHPA website in the members section, under the financials tab. Safety continues to be a high priority for USHPA. The board considered a number of ways to address safety issues and their effect on the association’s ability to provide third-party liability insurance as a membership benefit, and professional liability for Rogallomember instructors. The board learned the professional liability policy covering Rogallo members is likely to increase by at least 25% in 2014. To help offset this increase, the board raised the price of the temporary 30-day membership from $3 to $5. The cost of site insurance will increase by $50 per site in 2014, while leaving the tiered pricing system for multi-site discounts the same. In 2014, 14 HANG GLIDING & PARAGLIDING MAGAZINE to retain insurance. The board also discussed the importance of the insurance program for securing flying sites. Congratulations are in order for a number of newly elected directors. At the commencement of the board meeting, Josh Pierce was elected to fill a regional director vacancy in Region 5, and the board elected Bill Belcourt to fill a regional director vacancy in Region 4. Every fall, the board elects five members to serve as directors-at-large. This year, Bill Bolosky, Dennis Pagen, Steve Rodrigues, Jamie Shelden and Ryan Voight were elected to serve in these positions. The board elects its officers at the fall meeting. This year, the board re-elected Rich Hass, president; Ken Grubbs, vice president; Bill Bolosky, secretary; and Mark Forbes, treasurer. We are fortunate to have such dedicated members of our flying community volunteer on behalf of the pilot community. The board held a disciplinary hearing, following an investigation of a number of complaints regarding the conduct of two members in Region 2. USHPA bylaws provide for suspension or termination of membership by board action when the board makes a goodfaith determination that the member has failed in a material and serious degree to observe the rules of conduct governing this corporation, as promulgated by the board, from time to time or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the purposes and interests of the corporation. At the hearing and at a subsequent special hearing, USHPA acted to suspend the membership of Emily Hutchinson for a one-year period and permanently terminate the membership of Ward Carter. Competition rules and events were a hot topic at this year’s board meeting, and a number of issues were considered and adopted by the board. USHPA will develop and host an online competition series for USHPA pilots. The selection of National Champions will be changed to allow any FAI Category 2 sanctioning to be part of the national series of competitions and the Champion will be selected by taking the best (X) number of tasks flown in any Nationals event. “X” was to be defined by the Competition Committee by the end of 2013 and was not available at the time of publication. USHPA will obtain FAI sanctioning on behalf of the organizer for national events. Open-class paragliders will be allowed to compete in USHPA sanctioned events in their own class; however, they will not receive NTSS points or validity points. Hang gliding competitions sanctioned for 2014 include: May 18-24: Flytec Americus June 1-7: East Coast HG Championship Aug. 3-9: Big Spring Nationals Sept. 14-20: Santa Cruz Flats