Handbook "Persona Dolls" 2018 | Page 14

What he cannot do / has difficulty : He disagrees with the regime and the guidance in kindergarten . He does not like to work independently on assigned task , he gave up quickly and does not end activities to end .
What makes Kelvin happy : Kelvin is happy when he is in the gym or dancing club , stand-alone game without parental control , planning alone games . He loves to interact with young and emotional personalities . He is interested in sports and famous athletes , to watch films in English . He feels substantial when they refer to him as an adult .
What makes Kelvin sad / depressed : when his parents took him to kindergarten when he had to comply with the discipline . Daily regime in kindergarten nervous Kelvin . He does not like to sleep at noon to eat with everyone in a certain time and why he violently expressed his dissatisfaction . Then he became aggressive - breaking and throwing objects around him . He calms hard and cries inconsolably .
Fears : He is afraid to stay alone . He worries to play with other children , even when they invited him to play with them . He hates to be pressed with demands to him and observance of rules . He does not like to stand in a closed room for a long time . Some cartoons and fairy tale characters bored him and it even scared him at times .
Foods that he likes / dislikes : He loves pizza , toast , duners , fruit , yogurt . He dislikes cooked meals , soups , creams with milk .