HammockTalk - Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2013 | Page 9

With Christmas and New Year fast approaching, it’s more important than ever to manage your expenses and keep within your means. Here are 20 great savings tips to help your dollar go further during the silly season! Use a budget planner to help you sort out your budget and find out how much money you've got left to spend on holidays and gifts. For a free online budget planner, simply go to www.amp.com.au and click on the ‘Advice & Guidance’ tab and then click on ‘Calculators’ to locate the budget planners towards the bottom of the Calculator page. If you don’t feel your current credit card is the best for you, do a credit card check at www.infochoice.com.au or www.canstar.com.au to find out if there are better offers. Make sure you read the fine print carefully, as there could be entry and exit costs and other charges to watch out for. Sign up to Skype (at www.skype.com) and get free phone and video calls to your loved ones. Check out www.christmaswarehouse.com.au for great discounts on Christmas decorations and gifts. Buy Christmas presents early to get better deals. Make your own lunch during the working week. You can save hundreds of dollars doing this, rather than buying lunch at your local take-away shop.