We are told that
money is usually
one of the main
causes of
problems and
... or is it?
Many experts agree that it’s really a lack of
communication and compromise about
Money has meaning beyond the numbers on
a page or notes in your wallet. It is strongly
linked to our sense of security and self worth.
If you and your partner argue about money
you’re not alone. Most do!
So how can we improve our ‘financial
Discuss your differences
Spender or saver - which one are you?
Some like to spend their pay before the end of the month and hope the credit card still has room
to cover possible shortfalls. Others like saving for a rainy day.
Are you the spender in the relationship where your partner always questions how the money has
been spent at the end of the month? Or is it the other way around? Why have we attracted
someone who is completely different to us on the financial platform?
The reality is that we all have different emotional and financial security needs. In many
relationships one person wants to spend the money they are earning to enjoy luxuries and live
life in the moment. However the other person may feel a constant need to save for a secure
future. We find that spending habits, attitudes and beliefs about money tend to be noticed more
significantly when you think about starting a family.
It’s my parents’ fault!
We learn our spending and savings patterns by watching our parents. These habits tend to stay
with us throughout our adult lives. Sometimes this means we behave the same way, but
surprisingly some of us often take a polar opposite approach to our parents.
Communication is the key
It can be very useful to share your observations and experiences with your partner in a nonjudgemental and non-confronting way. You could perhaps start by describing the financial style
of your immediate family members and who you think you are most like. These can be tricky
conversations, but if you can find a middle ground it can make a world of difference to your long
term happiness.