Hamilton Plunket Newsletter August 2013 | Page 2

Hamilton Plunket offers a range of outdoor activities involving physical exercise and social opportunities for families . These walks are coordinated by Hamilton Plunket Volunteers - Big High Five is going out to
Rachel C , Lynda , Monica and Rachel M .
WALKING GROUP , children in buggies , 45mins - 1 hour walking routes . We meet every TUESDAY at 9:30am .
TOD SQUAD , suitable for walking toddlers . This is exploring time at your childs ’ pace . We meet every FRIDAY at 9:30am .
ACTIVE FAMILIES , suitable from 18 months + - short tramps up to two hours long . We meet on the third SUNDAY morning of each month .
BABES ON BIKES , will be back later on in the year when it ’ s a little warmer outside .
These groups are friendly and welcoming - all these activities are free , and no ongoing commitment is required . For dates and meeting places , monthly schedules can be emailed out or you can collect your copy from Richmond Street Plunket . We walk rain or shine !
For more information , or to receive the monthly schedule please contact Rachel Clarke - rachel @ clarke . gen . nz
SouthCity Playgroup Thursdays 9.30am – 11.30am 3 Trigg Place , Melville ( Plunket ) For more details : phone / text Beth 021 236 8658
Little Connections Fridays 10.00am – 12.00pm Hamilton Plunket , 12 Richmond Street For more details : phone 839 3982
Come join the fun , have a coffee , chat with other mums and watch your little ones play . All welcome . Gold coin per session to contribute towards costs would be appreciated .
This is the best and easiest playdough recipe EVER ! Give it a go today . Here are some fantastic ideas from ‘ The Polkadots ’ on how to make this little activity exciting for both adults and children !
NEXT LEVEL ! – Break up the batch of playdough into quarters , and make each quarter a different colour … its just more exciting that way … and as your child plays with them , and they start to mix together … you can explore the concept of COLOUR MIXING !!!
Taking it to the GOURMET LEVEL ! – Add in some essential oils such as vanilla , strawberry , orange , rose , berry mix , lemon etc to each of the different batches . As you play with the playdough talk about what the playdough smells like and see if your child can guess the smell ! ( It makes your hands really soft and beautifully fragrant afterwards too !)
Check out The Polkadots blog for more fun activities you can do with your children . http :// blog . polkadots . co . nz


3 cups flour 1 1 / 2 cups salt 3 TBSP oil 100g cream of tartar 3 cups boiling water