Halifax Health Hospice Bereavement Resources June 2024 | Page 7

Bereavement Resources - Websites

› General Grief - Why Grief Matters - whygriefmatters . org - Dr . Alan D . Wolfelt , PhD - centerforloss . com - Megan Devine - refugeingrief . com - David Kessler - grief . com - What ’ s Your Grief - whatsyourgrief . com - GriefShare - griefshare . org - Grief Digest Magazine - centering . org
- National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization - caringinfo . org / planning / grief-and-loss
- Option B ( navigating loss ) - optionb . org
- Compassionate Friends ( loss of a child ) - compassionatefriends . org
- Helping Parents Heal ( loss of a child ) - helpingparentsheal . org - Bereaved Parents of the USA - bereavedparentsusa . org
- Volusia Recovery Alliance ( substance related death ) - volusiarecoveryalliance . org
- Grasp ( Grief Recovery After Substance Passing ) - grasphelp . org
- Widow Support ( Michelle Neff Hernandez ) - soaringspirits . org