Halifax Health Hospice Bereavement Resources June 2024 | Page 25

Ages eight - 12 years old
› Concrete thinkers , beginning to understand abstract ideas ( grief and death )
› Connection with friends
› Often want details about the death
› May believe death is their fault ( things they thought or did )
› Common reactions : difficulty concentrating / focusing , nightmares / intrusive thoughts , physical complaints , big and various emotions , withdrawal , anxiety / worry , hypervigilance
Ways to Help
› Honest , concrete language - use “ dead ” and “ died ” - avoid “ passed away ”
› Provide variety of expression : talk , art , journaling , play
› Give choices
› Maintain routine but flexibility where possible
› Model expressing emotions
› Avoid giving advice
› Inform teachers for extra support / flexibility
› Seek professional help for concerns of self-harm / suicidal thoughts